Made by Mama and Co.

Do you have memories you wish you could keep locked away in a treasure chest?

Preserve everything about them so when you think back on them you can relive that wonderful moment. The words, the looks, the sweetness of the people, the feeling of the a-ha moment. The string of dreams that began and how when you look at them now, you’ve seen how much they’ve matured and grown makes you proud all over again. 

The Made by Mama and Co. story is a treasure chest memory for me. 

Meet the Nighttime Dress

It was the summer of 2020 and we were in the habit of spending time at home and honing in on some hobbies and long-overdue projects. I made my girls a “nighttime dress”. This is what we call nightgowns in our family. My older daughter wore her first one at almost 2 and looked very unsure. My husband tells her, wow look at your nighttime dress, in a way that told her she was wonderful. She loved it. So that’s what we call them. 

This nighttime dress was made of the softest (think butter meets cloud smooth but not silk) fabric. I had to make one for me too. No pattern, just an idea. The look on their face was awe and joy. Let me just tell you, it had been quite a while since I’d sewn anything. There was room to improve! 

The Name

That night at dinner, my husband says I need to put a tag on them. Again, room to improve, so I wasn’t in a hurry to tell others I made them. That’s when my older daughter spoke up and said, it could read Made by Mama. We all paused. Well, okay, my husband and I did, and that ah-ha combined with the love my girls had for the thing I made was fuel to a fire I didn’t know was aching to burn.

Made by Mama. It made what I do for my family feel treasured. Important. I don’t need a label for that to be the reality, but it’s become a dream.

And Company. Well, that’s where the kids come in, and my husband. They help with the things they enjoy and they inspire me. I know my most treasured times will be when we’re together, making somthing.


The Best Lemonade


Roasting Pumpkins