Get Summer Ready

The Real Seasons

Seasons are a funny thing. Naturally, we think of the 4 seasons; winter, spring, summer, and fall. Actually, there are a lot more. The season of babies, the season of littles (toddlers to school age), seasons of busy, seasons of hard, school seasons where you settle in a school routine only to change it again for winter break, spring break, long weekends, or summer break. 

All these seasons mean adjusting routines and expectations: a closing of one season to welcome another. It’s easy to see when your kids are little because their clothes get too small! So, you celebrate that they’re crawling, clean out their dresser, and move them up to a 12m size in clothes. 

Summer (break) is one of those seasons that can be tough to prepare for. The busy May paired with the need to find things for kids to do over the summer can overshadow all of the good from the school season. 

My kids are really good at noticing (and remembering!!) things. I guess we had gotten into a habit of asking the same, or at least similar, questions each school year. Some of them we ask periodically and others at certain times of the year. They’re quite helpful in planning out summer (see # 5) and can tell you what’s going on in your kiddos mind (see # 4, they get quite opinionated the older they get and the more influence in their life). 

Here are some of the questions we ask, things we say in return, and a fun way to usher in the season of summer break:

Get Summer Ready with These Questions:

5 - Friends from school you want to see over the summer / would like to be in class with next year. 

Ask them: What makes them a good friend? How are you a good friend? 

Tell them: I think you’re a good friend because _________.

4 - Things you like about your teachers. Things I like about your teachers. Have lots of teachers? 

Ask them: Who are your favorites and why? What would they say about you?

Tell them: How you saw them work hard over the school year.

3 - Goals for or things you want to learn next school year. 

Ask them: What kind of student do you want to be? What changes do you need to make to be that student? What subjects/topics are you most interested in?

Tell them: How I see you as a student and what your education route looks like from our point of view. 

2 - Summer bucket list! Make a list as a family of things you want to do or see before summer ends.

1 - PARTY 😎 

As for the party, we usually take dinner to the pool or go out for dinner. Simple. Celebratory. Family time. 

How do you celebrate the end of the school year and beginning of summer? 


Summer Bucket List


Countdown to Summer