Countdown to Summer

The Countdown to Finishing

We have always held the idea, that if our kids begin something, they should finish it. We don’t ask for A’s, for them to be the best on the team, or any other accolade. We just want them to practice doing their best (whatever it looks like that day) in all the things they attempt. And then rest. That’s a whole other blog post.

The Struggle

I’ve been homeschooling our younger two kids for the last 2 years and this school year has been the hardest thing for me to finish. So a countdown is just as much for them as it is for me. A tool to keep this train on the tracks. 

Whether you home, private, or public school, May is tough. It’s been a long school year and you or your kids have hit a rough patch at some point. Everything is ending (all of the extra curricular too) so there are assessments and/or projects, field trips, award ceremonies, teacher gifts, coach gifts, parties to host, school parties, and you know that’s not all. 

It’s fun. If you step back from your calendar and to-do list, you can see it. Like every other parent in May, I forget that too. So, with all of the to-dos mounting, I added more. Not gonna lie, it’s a tad more. This ‘more’ brings the family together so it has become an annual countdown for us. A must-do, look forward to, can’t wait to see what we get to do together next, kind of thing!

A Couple of Notes

I love balloons. Hang out with me for just a minute and you won’t be able to miss it. I have a lot of them on hand (naturally) so that is what I chose to use. If you don’t have them or your kids don’t like the sound of them popping, make a paper chain. Cut strips of paper and write each day on a strip. Link them together and number them like you would the balloons.

Do what works for you! Can you only manage 3 days? Perfectly fine. Do you have the bandwidth for 10, cool! Whatever you choose will still be fun!

How to create your Balloon Countdown:


  • balloons

  • yarn, string

  • paper

  • pen

  • permanent marker

  • command hook, or another place to tie your balloons to


  • Figure out how you want to celebrate, see the list below for some ideas.

  • Write out your plan on paper and cut them out. Keep a master list on your phone where the kids can’t see it!

  • Fold each slip of paper very small and stuff into a balloon.

  • Write the day you are celebrating on the balloon with a permanent marker. “5 days left of school” gets a “5”.

  • Blow up balloon and tie it on your string or yarn.

  • Hang it up where your family can see.

  • Have so much fun celebrating!

Countdown Ideas:

  • Donuts for breakfast

  • Popsicles

  • Summer hair (new style or temporary dye)

  • Lunch at the pool

  • Ice cream, make your own

  • Park

  • Make slime

  • Make bouncy balls

  • Make play-dough

  • Luau (get leis at the dollar store!)

  • Bookstore, find your summer read

  • Tattoos (temporary, of course)

  • Last day party! (at a pool, fun dinner at home, restaurant…)

  • Go out for lunch

  • Play balloon games (balloon tennis and volleyball are our favorites)

  • Picnic dinner at the park or pool

  • Make a family summer bucket list

  • Starbucks run (morning or after school, who doesn’t need that right now?!)

  • After-school snack run

Fun things to do while they’re at school

  • Favorite snack (maybe it doesn’t follow “guidelines” this time ;)

  • Deliver lunch 

  • Note about how proud you are of how hard they’ve worked (slip it in their lunchbox, laptop, etc.)

  • Fill the car with balloons (last day)

No matter how your school year has gone, you made it. You all did. Be proud of pushing through the hard and celebrate!


Get Summer Ready


The ‘57 Cadillac Margarita